Web platform development

Revolutionise your online presence with our web platform development services.

How your web app makes a difference?

With High performance, responsiveness and advanced SEO options your online platform will be a unique experience for your audience.

No Page Loading

Your Web Application will load faster than traditional websites. They are designed to offer high performance even under unreliable network conditions.

Improved Traffic

Boost your website's visibility and user engagement with our solutions designed to handle high traffic efficiently, driving more visitors and conversions.

PWA Functionality

Enhance your platform with our Progressive Web Application functionalities, providing offline access, push notifications, and a native app-like experience.

Cross-platform Compatibility

Your platform will be compatible across multiple devices and platforms, reducing the need for separate development efforts for different operating systems.

SEO Friendly

By utilizing Server-Side Rendering with Next.js and improving bounce rates through the performance of a PWA, your web application will achieve higher indexing in search engines and search results.

Improved User Engagement

With smooth animations, intuitive navigation, and interactive elements your web app will have more engagement and retention compared to a traditional website.

Build a platform for your business

Offer your customers a full and rich experience of your business with a comprehensive web platform powered by cutting-edge technologies.

How we build your online platform

We follow agile workflow to build your business an optimal platform.

Consultation of Your Ideas

Our expert team will discuss your requirements, suggestions, and challenges and document them for the requirement study.

Analysis of Requirements

We analyse every requirement, suggestion, and challenge you present and conduct a feasibility study.

Strategy Building and Planning

Based on the data from the feasibility study, our team will develop custom strategies and plans tailored to your requirements.

Design and Development

We design prototypes and MVPs for your project, gather further input and feedback from you, and then start development.

Testing and Quality Assurance

For every component we build, we conduct a series of tests to ensure quality and usability.

On-time Deployment and Training

We are committed to delivering every project on time, without exception, and provide necessary training.

Ongoing Maintenance and Support

We provide continuous monitored maintenance and dedicated support to enhance your platform’s performance.

Review and Update Suggestions

Our team closely monitors your platform’s performance and suggests updates to improve scalability and growth.

Consultation on latest updates

Our team will provide periodic consultations on new updates and features that will keep you competitive in your industry.

Our standardised packages

Want to give your platform development a quick start? Choose a package and consult with our team.



Upto 5 Pages

1 UI design revision

SEO-based content

Domain and hosting consultation

Content management System

1 Contact Form

Free SSL

Google map integration

Email service integration

6 months maintenance and support



All from the standard plan

Upto 10 Pages

Upto 2 UI design revision

2 Contact Form

Up to 2 dynamic pages

Push notification feature


Dark and light theme

Dynamic PWA

WhatsApp chat/chatbot integration



All from the advanced plan

Upto 15 Pages

Upto 2 UI design revision

Analytics and reporting

Advanced security features

Third-party integration

Booking and reservation system

Screen optimization

AI Chatbot

AI Enabled CMS

Unique identity for your unique platform

We provide comprehensive visual identity services as part of our development process. This includes creating a custom-designed UI that reflects your brand's personality, designing logos, selecting colour schemes, launch materials and ensuring that all visual elements align with your business's unique identity.

Awesome hero page image

Technologies we use

We use advanced and stable technologies to give our clients strong competitive advantage and keep them continuously ahead of the competition.


Frequently asked questions

What is included in your "Web Application as a Business Online Platform" service?

Our "Web Application as a Business Online Platform" service includes the development of web applications and Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) designed specifically for businesses. This service encompasses creating a unique visual identity, using cutting-edge front-end technologies like Next.js and React.js, robust backend solutions with Python and Node.js, and deploying the application on leading cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. We also provide ongoing consultation, updates, and recommendations for improvements after deployment.

What is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) and how can it benefit my business?

A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a type of application delivered through the web that offers an app-like experience. PWAs are highly reliable, fast, and engaging, providing features such as offline capabilities, push notifications, and responsiveness across all devices. For your business, a PWA can enhance user engagement, improve accessibility, and provide a seamless experience regardless of the user's device or platform.

How a web application differs from a website?

An interactive web application supports complex business tasks with real-time user engagement. A website offers static content, focusing on providing information about services and products, establishing a company's online presence without interactive functionalities of a web application. A web application will help you to transform your business fully online whereas a website gives you only online presence.

How does a PWA differ from a traditional website?

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) differ from traditional websites in several key ways: Offline Functionality: PWAs can work offline or in areas with limited connectivity, thanks to service workers. App-like Experience: PWAs offer an app-like experience with enhanced speed, responsiveness, and functionalities like push notifications and home screen installation. Performance and Speed: PWAs are optimized for performance, ensuring faster load times and smoother navigation compared to traditional websites. Engagement: PWAs support features like push notifications, which can significantly enhance user engagement and retention compared to traditional websites.

How do you ensure my web application has a unique visual identity?

We provide comprehensive visual identity services as part of our development process. This includes creating a custom-designed UI that reflects your brand's personality, designing logos, selecting color schemes, and ensuring that all visual elements align with your business's unique identity. Our design team works closely with you to understand your brand and translate it into an engaging and professional online platform.

Which technologies do you use for developing the front end of the web applications?

For front-end development, we primarily utilize modern JavaScript frameworks such as Next.js and React.js. These technologies allow us to create dynamic, responsive, and high-performing user interfaces that provide an excellent user experience.

Can you explain the backend technologies used in your service?

Yes, for backend development, we use robust and scalable technologies like Python and Node.js. These languages enable us to build efficient server-side applications that can handle complex functionalities and ensure smooth performance even under high traffic.

Do you provide cloud services and what platforms do you support?

Absolutely! We offer comprehensive cloud services and support leading platforms such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. Our cloud solutions are designed to help you scale your application efficiently, enhance security, and reduce operational costs.

How does your agile workflow benefit my business during the development process?

Our agile workflow allows us to be highly adaptable and responsive to your needs. We work in iterative cycles, delivering functional modules of the project incrementally. This approach enables us to gather your feedback continuously, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that the final product aligns closely with your business requirements and goals. This method reduces risks and ensures a higher-quality product.

Do you offer any support and suggestions after the web application is deployed?

Yes, we provide ongoing support and suggestions even after the deployment of your web application. This includes updating the application with the latest features, ensuring security patches are applied, and offering consultations to suggest enhancements based on user feedback and emerging trends. Our goal is to ensure that your application continues to perform optimally and meets the evolving needs of your business.

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